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Setting Sail! International Market - Kuwait Oil Sludge Treatment Project

    With the start of a new year, everything begins anew, and once in a decade, a sword shall reign supreme. In the first month of the new year, as the first set of oil sludge treatment equipment for the Kuwait project was packed and shipped from the factory in Taixing, Zaopin St 's participation in the world's largest environmental restoration project has begun.

    War brings damage to both the mind and body of people, and it also severely damages our ecological environment. During the Gulf War in 1991, Iraqi forces set fire to more than 600 oil wells in Kuwait and destroyed oil pipelines. The fires burned for 10 months, resulting in a leakage of 22.5 million barrels of oil and contaminating 384 square kilometers of land. In December 2005, the United Nations Compensation Commission granted the Kuwaiti government $2.9 billion in compensation to fund its environmental restoration projects. At the end of 2019, considering environmental factors, the Kuwaiti government overturned previous environmental restoration plans and opened up bidding globally for the first time, planning to restore the area over the next 10 to 15 years. Zaopin St , with its environmental technology solutions, stood out among many world-renowned environmental companies and became the only successful bidder among Chinese companies. In July 2021, it signed the first contract with a contract amount of up to $185.23 million, marking the entry of Zaopin St 's oil sludge disposal technology into the world after eight years of research and development.

    We firmly believe: technology drives the market. Since the company began operations in 2014, we have insisted on technological innovation and have steadfastly cultivated in the single segment of oil sludge disposal. Through traditional washing processes, we have developed environmentally friendly formulas suitable for oil sludge treatment. Currently, our Daqing oil sludge treatment meets the standard of oil sludge with an oil content below 3‰, with 100% oil recovery. The Kuwait project has undergone over 10,000 experiments and research since the oil sludge sampling in 2017, successfully developing applicable solutions for low-oil-content, high-oil-content oil sludge, oil-containing carbon powder, and oil lake oil sludge with an oil content of over 80%.

    We continuously improve. We adhere to independent research and development. In recent years, the application of washing systems in domestic projects has been continuously optimized. The current integrated oil sludge treatment system has a simple process and easy operation. The first treatment system going to Kuwait is fully PLC-controlled, and the 40 systems to be used in the project in the future will introduce unmanned intelligent digital cloud technology.

    We are awed, we are terrified by the immense destructive power of humans on the environment, threatening human survival. This situation needs to change.

    We aspire. Today, we will set sail from Kuwait and venture to all corners of the world, traversing mountains and seas. With the technology and sweat of Zaopin people, we will restore our blue planet bit by bit, and together, we will create our beautiful home.